Sunday, September 20, 2020

RBG's Death, and the Anguish of the Targeted

I read through my Facebook feed last night, and since we all have different FB feeds based on our social circles, I want to let you know what I am seeing. These are the people who are in anguish, especially now after RBG's passing:
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color)
People who are here as immigrants, even those who are now citizens
LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender people
People who are part of interracial and/or intercultural families
People who belong to marginalized religious communities, such as Muslims and Jews
People with disabilities
Journalists, scientists, and academics
Women of all ages
Men (particularly clergy) who understand the level of peril these above groups are now in at this point in time in our country.
Friends, I'll say it again. it's not about Democrat or Republican anymore. It's about the rise of neo-Fascism, and that we've got about six weeks to prevent it from completely taking over.
It has already co-opted a large portion of Christians and Christian churches; a large portion of our Legislature; a large portion of our Executive branch at the state and federal level; and now there is a reasonable threat to our Supreme Court as well.
Straight, white, middle-class and wealthy people might end up being ok, but the rest of us who aren't these things will not be. And those we love who are these things, will not be.
So for those of us who love our neighbors--get out the vote, and help our neighbors get to the polls safely. Encourage early voting.
For those of us who seek to pastor our people--preach love of neighbor and our duty to seek the wellbeing of foreigners, the sick, the poor, the hungry. Teach about our country's history of ethnic cleansing and genocide, and Christian complicity in the Holocaust.
For those of us who are healthy enough to do so--volunteer as poll workers and election observers.
And pray, folks. Pray that we as a nation will come to our senses and realize that our true strength is in our diversity, welcome, and inclusion. Not in our suppression of civil rights and human dignity.

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